Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc NYSE:FBHS Position Increased by Salem Investment Counselors Inc.
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Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc. began trading on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol FBHS on October 3, 2011. Prior to its spin-off, the company operated as a division of the former Fortune Brands, Inc. holding company. Following the separation, Fortune Brands, Inc. changed its name to Beam Inc. and retained no ownership interest in Fortune Brands Home & Security, Inc. To further protect the integrity of our editorial content, we keep a strict separation between our sales teams and authors to remove any pressure or influence on our analyses and research.
Style is calculated by combining value and growth scores, which are first individually calculated. Invented the first index in 1884, S&P DJI has been innovating and developing indices across the spectrum of asset classes helping to define the way investors measure and trade the markets. As COVID hits new highs in cases, deaths, and hospitalizations, investors are becoming increasingly concerned. For investors looking to make the most of this market, the deep learning algorithms at have crunched the data to give you a set of Top Buys. Data, information, or opinions contained in Quantalytics in any form give no consideration to any particular individuals' investment needs or objectives, nor do they consider any individuals' financial condition.
The Goldman Sachs Group lowered their price target on Fortune Brands Home & Security from $89.00 to $74.00 and set a “buy” rating on the stock in a report on Wednesday, October 12th. Finally, BMO Capital Markets lowered their price target on Fortune Brands Home & Security from $85.00 to $82.00 and set an “outperform” rating on the stock in a report on Wednesday, December 7th. One analyst has rated the stock with a sell rating, six have given a hold rating and five have assigned a buy rating to the stock.

Fortune Brands Home & Security is a leading home and security products company that operates three segments. The company’s $2.9 billion cabinets segment, which will be spun off in early 2023, sells cabinets and vanities under the MasterBrand family of brands. The $2.8 billion plumbing segment, led by the Moen brand, sells faucets, showers, and other plumbing fixtures.
Ex-Dividend Reminder: Fortune Brands Home & Security, Pinnacle Foods and Hillshire Brands is the trade name of Quantalytics Holdings, LLC., LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Quantalytics Holdings, LLC (“Quantalytics”). Quantalytics is not a registered investment adviser, brokerage firm, or investment company. Any data, information, or opinions presented by Quantalytics are for general information purposes only. Such data, information, or opinions are not an offer to sell or to buy, or a solicitation to buy or sell any securities.
These products and services are usually sold through license agreements or subscriptions. Our investment management business generates asset-based fees, which are calculated as a percentage of assets under management. We also sell both admissions and sponsorship packages for our investment conferences and advertising on our websites and newsletters. Market capitalization is calculated by taking a company’s share price and multiplying it by the total number of shares. In the Morningstar Style Box, large-cap names account for the largest 70% of U.S. stocks, mid-cap names account for the largest 70–90%, and small-cap names are the remaining 10% of companies. Fortune Brands Home & Security Inc. will separate into two companies on Dec. 14 following the spinoff of its MasterBrand Inc. cabinets business, with Fortune Brands changing its name to Fortune Brands Innovations Inc., the company said Tuesday.
Ex-Dividend Reminder: Fortune Brands Home & Security, NU Skin Enterprises and Diageo
Investors of record on Friday, November 25th will be given a $0.28 dividend. Fortune Brands Home & Security’s dividend payout ratio is currently 19.82%. Nicholas I. Fink is chief executive officer of Fortune Brands and is on its board of directors. He assumed the CEO role on January 6, 2020, after having served as chief operating officer of Fortune Brands, and prior to that, the president of the Fortune Brands Global Plumbing Group . Fink succeeded Christopher J. Klein, who had held the chief executive officer role at Fortune Brands from 2011 through his retirement from CEO on December 31, 2019. Visit to learn more about FBHS, its brands and how the Company is accelerating its environmental, social and governance commitments.
Eagle Bay Advisors LLC increased its holdings in Fortune Brands Home & Security by 29.3% in the first quarter. Eagle Bay Advisors LLC now owns 874 shares of the industrial products company’s stock worth $65,000 after buying an additional 198 shares during the last quarter. Finally, Clearstead Advisors LLC increased its holdings in Fortune Brands Home & Security by 67.9% in the second quarter. Clearstead Advisors LLC now owns 888 shares of the industrial products company’s stock worth $53,000 after buying an additional 359 shares during the last quarter.
Any forward looking estimates presented by Quantalytics may prove to be incorrect and not be realized. Any data, information, or opinions expressed in any form may change without notice. The data, information and opinions presented have been obtained or derived from sources believed by Quantalytics to be reliable. Quantalytics does not make any representations as to their accuracy or completeness.
We also respect individual opinions––they represent the unvarnished thinking of our people and exacting analysis of our research processes. Our authors can publish views that we may or may not agree with, but they show their work, distinguish facts from opinions, and make sure their analysis is clear and in no way misleading or deceptive. Consensus Price Target is the stock price analysts expect to see within a period of 0-18 months. Fortune Brands Home & Security is spinning off MasterBrand in a transaction expected to be completed December 15. Post spin-off, Fortune Brands Home & Security will have a name and symbol change to Fortune Brands Innovations Inc. and will be more representative of the midcap market space. Lee Wyatt, who had held the chief financial officer role at Fortune Brands from 2011 through June 30, 2017.
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F-RATED STOCKS are those stocks our quantitative multi-factor models score as most probable to fall in price. D-RATED STOCKS are those stocks our Big Data multi-factor models score as moderately probable to fall in price. While these stocks score as UNATTRACTIVE, we believe the best shorts are our TOP SHORTS which are F-rated stocks. B-RATED STOCKS are those stocks our Big Data multi-factor models score as moderately probable to rise in price.
"I am thrilled to introduce Fortune Brands Innovations, a brand, innovation and channel leader in the home, security and commercial building markets," said Fortune Brands CEO Nicholas Fink, in a statement. "Our focus on safety and sustainability, our ongoing digital transformation, and our disciplined approach to strategic acquisitions also set the stage for further long-term... Dividend yield allows investors, particularly those interested in dividend-paying stocks, to compare the relationship between a stock’s price and how it rewards stockholders through dividends. The formula for calculating dividend yield is to divide the annual dividend paid per share by the stock price. The company also recently announced a quarterly dividend, which will be paid on Wednesday, December 14th.

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First Horizon Advisors Inc. now owns 637 shares of the industrial products company’s stock worth $38,000 after purchasing an additional 545 shares in the last quarter. SeaCrest Wealth Management LLC acquired a new position in Fortune Brands Home & Security in the second quarter worth approximately $46,000. Ronald Blue Trust Inc. acquired a new position in Fortune Brands Home & Security in the second quarter worth approximately $62,000.
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